Throw Away Dogs Teammate
K9 Law & Order Volunteer

Katie Kosienski is formerly a Federal Firearms Licensee and Owned Guns R Us, in Berlin, Maryland.
Prior to becoming a FFL, she was Owner and Office Manager of All Seasons Contracting in Oakland, Maryland.
At that same time she also was owner of Majestic Rental Communities, LLC. A rental company she owned and operated managing rental homes and a 9 unit apartment building in the Oakland, MD area.
After moving to Berlin, Maryland she became a FFL. And this gave her the opportunity to give back to the community and help Law Enforcement.
* Firearms Transfers @ Showell Fire Department’s Sportsmans Bash twice each year
* Firearm Transfers @Ducks Unlimited Pokomoke Chapter Dinner Auction each year.
* Fundraising for the Ocean City Police K9 Unit.
* Free Firearm Transfers for all Law Enforcement.
* Firearm Discounts for Law Enforcement.
* Supplied the guns for Ocean City’s 1st FOP Lodge 10 Gun Raffle and helped sell the tickets.
* Helped Worcester County Sheriffs Department raise money for their K9 Unit.
After becoming involved with the Chesapeake K9 Fund in Annapolis, The Throw Away Dogs Project and K9 Law and Order she has Helped the following Police Departments.
* Ocean City, Maryland Police K9 Unit
* Cambridge, Maryland Police K9 Unit
* Berlin, Maryland Police K9 Unit
* Charleston, WV Police K9 Unit
Before moving to WV, she went to Senator Carozza in Maryland and asked her to sponosor a K9 Bill in Annapolis. This Bill would allow Emergency Medical Services to treat and transport First Responding K9’s hurt in the line of duty.
She then began working with Senator Carozza, Lt. Bethany Ramey with the WCSO and Wicomico C Sheriff Mike Lewis on this Bill. The Bill did go to Annapolis, testimony was given and today the Fruitland Fire Department in Maryland is currently working on K9 Protocol for the State of Maryland.